The Glaze Rating Scale™ Explained

The Glaze Rating Scale™ is a complex rating system created by none other than The Orange Glaze himself. It is a full proof rating system that has no errors. All ratings are absolule truth and no question should be made against them.

  • 2 | I want my time and my money back.
  • 3 | How did this get made?
  • 4 | Waste of my time.
  • 5 | Dumb, mildly annoyed I wasted my time.
  • 6 | Just ok, not mad I watched it, but I won't go out of my way to rewatch
  • 7 | Decent, would watch again.
  • 8 | Very Good, will watch again at some point (reserved for top 20%).
  • 9 | Nearly perfect, very rewatchable (reserved for top 10%).
  • 10 | One of my favorites, will always watch when it is on (reserved for top 1%)
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